Karna’s Curse -The one I didn’t know about

Well I didn’t know about this one. A very impressive story. (source: Wikipedia) Andhra folklore states that once Karna while riding his chariot in his kingdom of Anga, encountered a child who was crying over her pot of spilt ghee. On asking her the reason for her dismay, she stated that she feared her step… Continue reading Karna’s Curse -The one I didn’t know about

“The Last Question” and why I am so intrigued by it

Hi, Yesterday I wanted to read this amazing short story by Isaac Asimov that I had read long ago during my MBA course. I did not know the title of the story and only remembered that it ended with the following line: “Let there be light”. So I googled “Let there be Light + Isaac… Continue reading “The Last Question” and why I am so intrigued by it

Celestial Questions

Note: Through this article I do not intend to endorse or promote any religion. This post is purely an effort to present some truly thought-provoking questions which should be read and reasoned upon, by all of us. After reading this post, you might ask why did I name this post “Celestial Questions”. This is because… Continue reading Celestial Questions